

Friday 24 September 2021

Were the atoms in the pyramid produced?

 Were the atoms in the pyramid produced?

For thousands of years, the Great Pyramid has been a great blessing to the Middle East and the West. The ancients believed that a pyramid had the power to dispel the negativity in the mind of man, as well as in the environment, by observing a pyramid fed by perfectly pure geometry

There are various opinions about the pyramid. Some say that the tombs of the Pharaohs were pyramids. Proof of this is the use of the mummy in the pyramids. But research by many scientists today reveals that the pyramid is a geometrically based structure that goes beyond that. They have not yet reached a definite conclusion on this. This idea was expressed by Frederick Fablo, an English scientist who had been engaged in scientific research on the pyramids for 33 years.

According to his research and the research of others, there was no mummy in the Great Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Moreover, the mummy was not present in the other accompanying pyramids. Scholars as well as researchers have differing views on the construction of this great pyramid. These are the comments posted below. That is, as a scientific astronomical observatory, as a psychic instrument, as a spiritual laboratory, as a storehouse of the past and the future, as a treasure trove, as sophisticated aircraft, as they were supposed to be. Their research suggests that the pyramids may have been used as a royal palace, a place to stay until the gods went to the world, and a center to communicate with the universe. But it is not yet known what is the correct opinion or opinion on this. The pyramid has left the world with a great deal of curiosity. It would be correct to say that modern man learned about the power of the pyramids about a century ago. In 1930, M., a Frenchman, accidentally entered the pyramid. Because of Bovis.

 Entering the pyramid, he could not believe the various sights that caught his eye. He began to look for reasons why those scenes seemed so. Eventually he realized that these might be due to the geometric shapes of the pyramid. He then returned to France with a number of points to consider in the future. He returned to his country and built a model of a pyramid according to the geometric shapes of the pyramid. To do this, he combined the triangular shape of the pyramid with the size of the canal angle of the pyramid. Accordingly, he made four triangles and arranged them in the shape of a pyramid. When he entered the Great Pyramid that day, he first researched the fact that the cat dung he saw was not rotten. Accordingly, he placed a cat dung in the pyramid he had created and began his research. Weeks went by and the cat litter remained intact. There was no stench and the dirt was there. He then researched the cooked food and found that it could also be kept intact. The successful results of this research led him to place a blade in his pyramid, which he used to shave. From this he could observe that when he placed a blade in the pyramid he had built, it would sharpen again. Although he did a lot of research in this way and gave the results to various scientific institutes in the world, those institutes did not consider any of them as important.

But after this situation, scientists started researching the pyramids with a new dimension and they were able to come to some conclusions based on their findings. That is, atoms may have been produced in these great pyramids in the past.

The power of the 142-meter-high pyramid, built by the Russian radiologist Alexander Godard, was discovered much later. That is, it was revealed that there is a huge energy belt in space for Russian military radars. Research has shown that this is a belt of energy emanating from the Russian pyramid. That energy bar is so powerful that it has the energy to repair the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. The surrounding vegetation of the pyramid has begun to grow and is now a major tourist attraction.

In this sense, researchers say, it is impossible to imagine who built the Great Pyramid of Giza. While it is true that it was built by humans, they say it is unthinkable how so much knowledge was gained.

 Explaining the technology behind the pyramids, French scientist Alexei Andwall says that they were "lifted up and placed in the right way because they had an understanding of the golden proportions of the universe at the time." They also ensure that the main directions in which the energy is generated are positioned so that the power of the asteroids is constant. Also, before the pyramid was built, the measurements needed to design it, such as length, width, shape, height, and energy levels, were obtained from data from the universe.

The pyramid covers an area of ​​13 acres. The height of a pyramid is 147.8 meters. It is equivalent to a billionth of a mile [149.5 million km] from Earth to the Sun. Its accuracy is 99.9%. The next surprise is the height of this pyramid. Another piece of data used to determine the height of the pyramid was to calculate the total elevation of the earth's surface from the lowest sea level, taking into account its average height of 455 feet. The height of the pyramid is also 455 feet. The slope on all sides of the pyramid is 51 °, 51, 14 from the bottom. The ratio of the height of the bottom perimeter to the height of the bottom when it extends upwards is 314759. It is called Jaya1. Accordingly the golden ratio it contains is created. Universal measurements have also been used for the measurement system used to calculate the pyramids. The unit of measurement of the pyramid is 25 cubic feet of pyramid. It is about half the diameter of the Earth. 10 billion out of 6357. That is, 635.66 mm. The length of one side of the pyramid is 9131 inches. That's 365.24 divided by 25 pyramid cubes. This is equal to the number of days in a year. The pyramid weighs 530,000 tons.

 Scientists also say that the pyramid was not created by chance

In that sense, the power of the pyramid and the time it takes for scientists to discover its secrets are short-lived.

The world today is puzzled as to how these designs could have been made in those days when there were no such massive machines as there are today.

This pyramid is made of mixed stone species. Researchers say the rocks were not found in and around the area. The stones used to build this weigh from 2 tons to 70 tons. How these stones were transported is still a question today. Also the placement in terms of standard measurements is even more amazing. Even more troubling is how a 600-ton red granite slab was placed in the royal chamber. The size of the stones used for this great pyramid is 2.6 million. The power of this pyramid lies in its shapes. That is, scientists say that the triangle and the angle of the triangle canal.

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