

Saturday 25 September 2021

A story of a haunted house

 A story of a haunted house

"The two-storey house was located on Hokandara Road in Thalawathugoda and was surrounded by thick bushes. Although it does not seem that it has been so long since the house was built, it is not as if Jayasundera, who lived there, did not have a clue in his mind as to whether there was any mystery in the house that he himself could not comprehend."

The monthly rent of the house was thirty-five thousand rupees. The landlord told Jayasundera that a three-month advance was sufficient. Jayasundera paid the monthly rent for the next three months with the advance.

 Jayasundera had two of his close servants cut down the bushes growing around the house and had them clean the interior of the house as well.

 The day Jayasundera set foot on the two-storey house, he thought the design of the house was a bit strange. The kitchen of the two-story house was located below the living room. Other houses had a door leading out of the kitchen, but it was not. There was only one door to enter and exit the house. Jayasundera, who lived in the house with his wife and son, thought that no matter how clean the kitchen and another room were, they looked unclean. But he lived a busy life and did not have the opportunity to pay much attention to it in those days.

 Jayasundera had many friends. He was very fond of friends. Because of this he had parties at his house. Elsewhere, such parties are held until two or three in the morning.

 But he realized that friends attending Jayasundera's new home were trying to get out of the house before midnight. He urged his friends to wait a little longer, but they somehow managed to avoid it.

 ‘Why did you leave so early last night, man? In such a case, the next day Jayasundera asks his friends.

 No, man, your new home gets weird late at night. I don't understand exactly what this is. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. It was a very strange experience. That's when you feel like leaving your house. Many friends gave such an answer to Jayasundera.

 Although Jayasundera did not pay further attention, there were occasions when he too had such an experience. Some nights when he is in the living room, he feels as if no one is around. At that time he tried to think that it was just a mental state in his mind.

 But one day it all turned upside down.

 That day his wife and son left for his wife's parents' house. It was eleven o'clock at night when he came home from work in the office. Jayasundera went to the bathroom, washed his body, put on shorts and a T-shirt and went upstairs to relax. The mobile phone was near him due to official need. Therefore, he is sure that the dreadful moment came at exactly twelve o'clock at night.

 Jayasundera was startled by a moan that sounded as if he was strangling a woman. Jayasundera suspected that his wife was lamenting in the house as the couple in the house often got into fights. He got up from his seat, went to an upstairs window, and gazed at the house. The house is pitch dark. No ghosts can be heard from the house. Jayasundera immediately realized that the house could not have been in such a deadly silence if his wife had raised the death knell.

 He came back and sat back in the seat he had been sitting on until then. He slowly sipped a glass of beer.

 Most quietly a few minutes passed.

 The death knell sounded as if a woman's neck was being squeezed.

 That is for sure.

 At that time Jayasundera was sure that the death knell had risen from the ground floor of his own house. Jayasundera, a hard-hearted man, was a little shocked.

 Jayasundera put it on the teapot next to the beer glass and went to his bedroom. He opened the wardrobe in the corner and opened an internal drawer in the closet. It was a time when Jayasundera's life was under death threat. So the government had given him a pistol to save his life. He took it out of the cupboard drawer and filled it with bullets. Holding the pistol firmly in his right hand, he came down the stairs.

 As he went down the stairs, he looked out of the glass window downstairs at his huge dog, which was tied close to the kitchen. This dog barks loudly when it runs near a mouse. But through the glass window Jayasundera saw the huge dog looking at the living room through the glass window in a frightened manner. Jayasundera has never seen a dog with such a helpless nature. At the same time, he wondered if there had been any change in the dog's activity since the day he moved into the house.

 Jayasundara went through the living room and opened the front door. As he entered the foyer, he felt a wave of cold wind blowing around him.

 He walked around the hall, closed the front door and re-entered the living room. He opened the fridge and filled a glass of cold water with a comfortable seat in the living room, staring out the front window.

 His heart sank at the thought of hard-heartedness.

 He saw a white shadow cast outside the house through the window. It was about one in the morning when it happened. He slowly hummed a part of the song to ease the shock. But after that he did not see that mysterious shadow moving back and forth through the front window.

 He stayed in the living room for a while and then went back upstairs. From upstairs he looked downstairs. There are no hallucinations. The house itself seemed to be drowning in a deadly silence. But as he entered the bedroom and closed the door, a moan came downstairs again. It was very clear to him that some mysterious figure had wandered into the house.

 Another day, when Jayasundera was alone, he heard a woman moaning like he was being strangled. Jayasundera was careful not to divulge this information to his wife, thinking that the family was unnecessarily upset.

 I was the first to say that the location of this house takes on some mysterious character. Mysteriously speaking, it has two windows, four feet and two feet high, about ten feet high, on the outer wall of the upper floor. The window cannot be opened or closed from the floor.

 "Dad, shall we open those two windows?" Jayasundera's son Isuru asked one day.

 "Son of a bitch, how do you do that?" Jayasundera raised an interjection.

 "Why don't we build a ladder," Isuru said.

 Jayasundera brought the ladder upstairs, leaned it against the wall and opened the two windows.


 The two windows opened into another ten-by-ten-foot room.

 There were no windows or doors.

 Surprisingly, it had a folded mat and a pillow on it. From the outside, no one seems to have a room like this. The owner of the house rented by Jayasundera had not told him that there was such a room.

 The time Jayasundera stayed in that house was also a time of great trouble for them. At times he would stay away from home for several days and stay at the homes of friends in remote areas such as Puttalam.

 During such a troublesome period, he told an architect who worked in connection with his place of work to go home and tell him about its pros and cons.

 The man came home, stepped on the backyard and pulled it back. He then asked Jayasundera's wife for a glass of water and drank it.

 "Sister, get out of this house," he said as he returned the glass.

 "Why not?" Jayasundera's wife asked.

 "If you stay in this house, you will have a lot of problems."

 "Why is that?" Jayasundera's wife wanted to know more.

 "This is a haunted house. Get out of here fast, ”he repeated. A close architect who examined Jayasundera's horoscope also told him to leave the house immediately as there was no door to go out of the kitchen. Considering the troubles and the advice of friends, the Jayasunderas left the house and moved to another house.

 Shortly after moving into the new house, Jayasundera met the owner of the old house.

 "How come now who is living at home?" Jayasundera asked.

 "No one, sir."

 ''why is that?''

 "The gentlemen stayed in that house for at least a year. Everyone who comes after that goes back in a week or two. That there are ghosts in the house. "

 "Did you build that house yourself?" Jayasundara asked the landlord, remembering the mysterious design of the house.

 "No, sir." That's the police DIG. A house built by a gentleman. Their house did not last more than two or three years. The house was sold to me and left. The gentleman was the first to settle down after we bought the house. ”The owner of the house began to tell Jayasundera about the past.

 Jayasundera, who came to the house that day, told his wife what the owner of the old house had said and the mysterious events he had witnessed on two occasions.

 "For two days without telling you, I heard a woman complain," said his wife, astonishing Jayasundera.

 A few weeks later, Jayasundera met a friend near the old house at the fruit stall near their house.

 "It is good that the gentlemen left that house," he said as soon as he saw Jayasundera.

 "Why do you say that?"

 "It's a haunted house, sir." People downstairs are scared to even go near the wall around the house. ''

 "Why is that?"

 "Oya's house was built by a former DIG. Someone. That's the gentleman. The wife and eldest son were at home. "


 "Shortly after coming home, the son came to the bride's house."

 "Tell me the whole story," Jayasundera said.

 "About two days after the wedding, the DIG The gentleman was seen running behind the bride with a pistol. Then one day I heard my son and his wife screaming in the basement.

 "After that"

 "After that I did not see my son and his wife. The family said the two had moved to Australia.

 "Very wonderful," Jayasundara widened his eyes in surprise.

 "Two or three months later, the couple left home. 'S sold. It was then that I began to hear mysterious noises from that house, ”an old friend told Jayasundera.

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