

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Nations in space

 Nations in space

“It is a well-known fact that Gladovia and Saronin have been enemies for centuries. During the Middle Ages, the two countries occasionally subjugated and ruled each other. Both sides had experience of the hegemonic rule they wielded during their tenure and its bitterness. During the two world wars of the twentieth century, these two nations were still at loggerheads with each other.”

Gladovia and Saronin were at peace during the post-World War II peace period. But they looked at each other with contempt and followed with a hostile attitude.

 But this is the year 2080. Solar power stations in Earth's orbit collect solar energy and distribute it through microwaves to every nation in the world. This has led to many changes in the world. The use of fossil fuels was declining due to the abundance of solar energy. Reduced hazards from greenhouses. (But the extreme heat from solar energy also caused a harmful situation.)

 The standard of living increased due to the abundance of energy and population control. A prosperous era dawned as food supply increased and resources were systematically distributed. The flowers of joy began to bloom.

 One thing did not change, however. The enmity between the Gladovians and the Saronins and the dislike of the Saronins towards the Gladovians did not change.

 Solar power stations did not work automatically. In addition to being automated, robots were also used for this purpose. But from time to time people had to be used to test them. They were tasked with checking and correcting whether the centers were working properly and whether changes in the performance of computers and robots could be caused by tiny fragments scattered in space and by the unexpected increase in solar power.

 Those selected for this purpose were transferred from time to time in a prescribed manner to minimize the impact of gravity on the Earth. Coincidentally, in the summer of 2080, two gladiators and two saronins were selected for space service (as they were called). But they were traditionally enemies and did their job well. But communication between them was limited to essential activities and they avoided laughing or talking to each other warmly.

 One day a young Gladovian man named Thomas Brigon said to his older colleague, Hamis Mansa, with a happy smile: The Saronin fool made a mistake this time.

 Which one? Mansa asked.

 Someone with a name like the one you hear when that crocodile goes. Who can speak Sarojini's stupid language? That stupid Sarojin misused the A5 computer.

 Mansa looked terrified. What is the result?

 Nothing yet. But when the solar wave density reaches 1.3, half of the solar power stations become inactive. Also a lot of computers burn out.

 What do you do about it? Mansa's eyes widened.

 Nothing, Brigon said. I saw it when it happened. Now it's over. Saronin introduced himself as a computer worker. When the solar power plants go down and the computers burn out, the world will know it's Saronin's stupid thing to do. Brigon happily stretched out his hand and said. Everyone in the world will go crazy. The wicked Saronin nation will be ashamed.

 But would be a complete hindrance to the supply of energy to the earth. It may not be possible to recover for a few months or maybe a year or two. Mansa said.

 There's plenty of time, Brigon said. Saronins sweep the earth. Then our great Gladovia will conquer everything.

 But think a little, Mansa said. When all the power is suddenly gone, people around the world will try. Find ways to adapt to their disaster. Industries will collapse. There will be danger of starvation. Disgruntled people will join the riots. Fighting for power, everything will be a mess.

 All bad things will happen.

 But this mess will come to Gladovia as well. Like Saronin, the Gladovians depend on solar energy to power the entire world. The whole world will be in big trouble. Who knows if Gladovia will suffer more than Saronin. Who can tell?

 Brigon's mouth opened and he looked depressed. Do you really think so?

 Really. Go to someone with that crocodile name and ask him to re-examine his work. He does not need to be told that he knows nothing is wrong. Say you just got there and suddenly had a weird feeling that not everything was going well. Say that this is a previous feeling. Do not make fun of him even if he realizes it and corrects it. It is not safe for us to do so. Do it immediately. Only for the Gladovia Nation. Not that Brigon was really a choice for the whole world. He acted accordingly and the accident was averted.


 People love themselves very well. In an interconnected world, the damage done to one person can affect everyone else. Loving everyone as one loves oneself is the best way to escape from dangers.


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