

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Alien spacecraft found in the sky by American pilots

Alien spacecraft found in the sky by American pilots

There are no recognizable wings. No back part. No smoke is emitted. As shown in this video. It felt like those objects knew we were there. They hovered around us from time to time, ”said Flying Lieutenant Danny Acoin.”

When it comes time to write the history of the era of former US President Donald Trump, a number of controversial incidents reported from that country during his tenure stand out. During his tenure, the US government took such incidents seriously last year because of his stance on alien life.

While in office, former US President Donald Trump was in the process of introducing the Covid-19 Concession Bill, which was legally signed last December. To date, no alien life or unusual plane crashes have been reported, but this is not untrue, Senator John Rutcliffe, who was the director of national intelligence during the Trump administration, recently told Fox.

 That's why Trump, who took to social media, such as Twitter accounts, to discuss the most public exploration of UFO scenes and alien abductions with students, is no longer in power, but the federal government should report on "unidentified aerial phenomena."

 2021 is shaping up to be a year of believing that the incredible can be done. Another major mystery is that there are now unidentified flying objects.

 There has been a lot of talk in the world media these days about topics like alien life and ghostly flying spaceships, especially in the United States. NASA does not deny the existence of such alien spacecraft or creatures from a new dimension.

 Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.

A few years ago, there was a report from the United States of a group of Facebook activists organizing to invade the Area 51 High Security Zone in Nevada, USA. But it is not a well-known fact that this topic has received a lot of attention in the US government as well. Recent early reports of UFOs, or unidentified flying objects,

 As far back as 1947. Kenneth Arnold, a U.S. Air Force pilot, said he saw several flying saucer-shaped objects in the skies over the Rainier Mountains in Washington state. At the time, the US Air Force denied the allegations, but the word "flying saucer" became popular with Arnold's statement. Not only in 1947, but even today, American pilots reveal the amazing flying objects they saw.

 They say similar incidents occurred in 2004, 2012, 2014 and 2015 during training and patrol operations along the east coast of the United States. The F-18 fighter pilots captured the mysterious objects on surveillance cameras. At one point, they captured them at gunpoint, but refrained from attacking. The Pentagon released two related videos last year.

 “There are no recognizable wings. No back part. No smoke is emitted. As shown in this video. It felt like those objects knew we were there. They hovered around us from time to time, ”said Flying Lieutenant Danny Acoin.

 The U.S. Department of Defense paid special attention to the matter, according to media reports. The New York Times reports that a $ 22 million investigation was recently conducted. However, it is reported that the investigation has been stopped.

 When US President Donald Trump was in power he said, "I saw it. Read reports. Several short meetings were also held. Some people talk about ghostly flying objects. But I personally do not believe in that. But our pilots know that. Some records are different than in the past. He said that attention has been paid to that.

 Most people do not think of ghostly flying objects as mere alien spacecraft. Many scholars are of the opinion that it may have been largely human activity. For example, in the 1950s, the United States secretly produced high-tech U-2 spy drones for Soviet Russia and tested them in connection with the infamous Area-51 air base in Nevada.

 The U-2s, which flew 60,000 feet above the ground, were considered by astronauts and ordinary pilots to be miraculous. Decades later, the US government remained silent and revealed the truth. In addition, the secret base in Nevada was the cradle of the US Air Force's high-tech aircraft. Blackbird F-117, Knight Hawk and B-2 fighter jets are some of them.

Former United States President Barack Obama's statement that alien life is not a lie has attracted worldwide attention. Confirmed to be true.

 At the same time, former US defense officials have called on the US government to take immediate action as the aliens could pose a security threat to the United States as well as the world. In response, current US President Joe Biden said he was looking into the matter. However, when the American media asked Joe Biden about this, he ended the press conference and left.

 The U.S. Pentagon has questioned the release of unidentified flying objects during naval flight training between 2004 and 2015 during the height of the Cowid epidemic in the United States last year. However, since 2017 they have been circulating in the society unofficially.

 The Marines were able to capture the aerodynamic camera lens of their aircraft as an unidentified flying object flying at high speeds. ' Retired U.S. Navy Captain David Frever once told CNN: There were.

 In 2007/2012, Senate Harry Reid suggested that a secret project be launched at the Pentagon to study such incidents.

 Following the release of the photos, Senator Harry tweeted last year that he was grateful to the Pentagon for releasing the videos to the public, but that this was only a surface layer of a series of secret projects exposed to the world. It is no secret that many of the mysteries surrounding life are still among the Pentagon's high-security archives.


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