

Monday 4 October 2021

Special people who lit up the human world

 Special people who lit up the human world

Looking at human history, it appears that the people who enlightened the human world, the people who gave life to life, have appeared in the world from time to time. They illuminated human lives like giant lampposts in a dark world.

 Is it any coincidence that such great geniuses were born? Did they get that ability because of some special force? Did they inherit that intelligence from birth? Or did he receive that intelligence from some stimulus from the external environment?

 An examination of the time period in which the most intelligent men were born reveals that most of those intellectuals were born in the months of February and March. Researchers believe that this is due to an overactivity in the solar system during this time.

 Some medical researchers believe that a special type of radiation emitted by the sun affects supernatural beings. They say that the sun emits these special rays around a certain period of time. There are many proofs that can be put forward.

 Many Greek philosophers were born at the same time. Aristotle was born in 384 BC. Hippocrates was born in 377 BC. Archimedes was born in 1452 AD. Michelangelo was born in 1474 AD. Isaac Newton in 1642 AD. Michael Faraday In 1791. Kelvin C.R.W. In 1824. Alva Edison Cr. In 1847. Charles Darwin C.W. In 1809. Guglielmo Marconi Cr.W. In 1874. Albert Einstein C.R.W. In 1879.

 Examination of the many intellectuals who have ever been born shows that the vast majority of them are the eldest in the family, the firstborn.

 An experiment conducted by psychologists Lillian Belmont and Francis Vorella with the participation of four hundred thousand young people in the Netherlands revealed that the firstborn of the family had special intelligence. According to scientists Wakev and Krutcher, first-born babies develop greater levels of maternal hormones than later-born babies.

 As biologist Vladimir Ipoimsen observed, some diseases are also associated with intelligence. According to his observations, gout is one of the most common causes of dementia. Beethoven, Michael Angelo, Thomas Moe, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin join the ranks of gout-stricken intellectuals.

 Airborne hemorrhage raises the percentage of uric acid in one's blood. This uric acid increases the activity of the brain and makes them intelligent.
 William Sheckley, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, and Arthur Johnson, a psychologist, said that intelligence is also determined by one's skin color. In other words, it has been argued that a person's skin color varies according to the genetic color they belong to.

 The book "Bell Kirch", published by Richard Hernsitting and Charles Murray, a psychiatrist at Harvard University in the United States, also pointed out that one's color raises one's level of intelligence. It explained that the average level of intelligence of black Americans was lower than that of white Americans. Whites have an average intelligence of 102, while Americans have an average intelligence of 87.
 But some alternatives suggest that black Americans may have lower levels of intelligence because of their lower economic status. The reason for their declining intelligence is that it is not the color or race of the skin. Some add to this by the fact that white teachers and university professors do not allow black students to display their intelligence because of their stepmother's treatment.

 A psychiatrist at the University of Virginia told Newsweek magazine that seventy percent of a person's genetic factors play a role in determining their intelligence. She points out that even if one lives in an ignorant rural environment, the environment does not contribute much to changing one's level of intelligence.

 From time to time opinions among intellectuals about intelligence also differ. Juan Huat, a Spanish physiotherapist, said that intelligence is the ability to learn and build facts and that is the result of training.
 Some biochemists point out that the rate at which energy is released from glucose in the human brain affects a person's intelligence.

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